With the death rate of Rugby OAP's so unexplainably high at the moment, will the young and strong soon be taking financial matters into their own hands?
P.Y.I. (Protect Your Inheritance) are recommending people send their old folks over to Rugby for the winter if they want a quick and easy remedy for long lingering deaths...
Why have the visitors got their backs to the wonderful view? Can't they face looking at reality, like we, who live near the works have to 24/7 except when it is blocked out with fog or is it plume?
I guess they are too busy worrying about the approach of winter to be looking at the plant - knowing that in Rugby it is apparently NOT the cement plant emissions that get you but the cold - according to the latest propaganda. (West Midlands Health Study) How can it be so bitter cold in Rugby when they are burning/cooking 8,000 tonnes a day?
I think they are discussing harnessing that plume to warm all the houses in Rugby - free of charge. This would then be at one with the Environment Agency's claims that "tyre burning is good for you" and "improves air quality!"
If it could heat your homes as well, instead of wasting all that lovely hot toxic gas, they could go even further : "Cement plant saves lives of the elderly in Rugby!"
On monday the cabinet at rugby council will have approved the MOU for the waste strategy - i.e. the plan to build another incinerator in Warwickshire.
They say the MOU is not important even though its an agreement to support the strategy, which is to build an incinerator.
I have obtained a letter to WCC from the judkins operator (WRG) in Nuneaton offering to their site for the stategic waste development.
Also WCC is having a consultation on waste framework at the momenet. This is all about planning policy but could make it hard for incinerators to built. The problem is that the workshops are full of incinerator operators. The questionnaire is rigged so that all the good and bad methods to deal with waste are in option B of question B.
I have set up a website about it at www.greennuneaton.org.uk/waste.
I am also setting up an index of all the anti-incinerator groups in warwickshire at www.wain.org.uk ,
I would like lots more groups and people listed.
We have forced a meeting out of WCC in Nuneaton on the 31st March at 6.30PM.
We must be united to fight the principle of incinerators in warwickshire and not get down to the stage of which town has it,
For many years now I have dedicated all my spare time to the pursuit of documenting and fighting industrial pollution as it continually affects my home town of Rugby.
Why have the visitors got their backs to the wonderful view? Can't they face looking at reality, like we, who live near the works have to 24/7 except when it is blocked out with fog or is it plume?
I guess they are too busy worrying about the approach of winter to be looking at the plant - knowing that in Rugby it is apparently NOT the cement plant emissions that get you but the cold - according to the latest propaganda. (West Midlands Health Study) How can it be so bitter cold in Rugby when they are burning/cooking 8,000 tonnes a day?
I think they are discussing harnessing that plume to warm all the houses in Rugby - free of charge. This would then be at one with the Environment Agency's claims that "tyre burning is good for you" and "improves air quality!"
If it could heat your homes as well, instead of wasting all that lovely hot toxic gas, they could go even further : "Cement plant saves lives of the elderly in Rugby!"
On monday the cabinet at rugby council will have approved the MOU for the waste strategy - i.e. the plan to build another incinerator in Warwickshire.
They say the MOU is not important even though its an agreement to support the strategy, which is to build an incinerator.
I have obtained a letter to WCC from the judkins operator (WRG) in Nuneaton offering to their site for the stategic waste development.
Also WCC is having a consultation on waste framework at the momenet. This is all about planning policy but could make it hard for incinerators to built. The problem is that the workshops are full of incinerator operators. The questionnaire is rigged so that all the good and bad methods to deal with waste are in option B of question B.
I have set up a website about it at www.greennuneaton.org.uk/waste.
I am also setting up an index of all the anti-incinerator groups in warwickshire at www.wain.org.uk ,
I would like lots more groups and people listed.
We have forced a meeting out of WCC in Nuneaton on the 31st March at 6.30PM.
We must be united to fight the principle of incinerators in warwickshire and not get down to the stage of which town has it,
Keith Kondakor
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