But blood out of a stone comes to mind, as we strive persistently for a full and truthful answer.
Rugby in Plume have been asking these and similar questions for FOUR years now.
1. The evidence supplied by WCC would appear to show that the plant had no lawful planning permission.
2. The evidence from WCC definitely shows that there was no Environmental Impact Assessment. RBC Leader of the Council's statement to the contrary, made in the Chamber, would appear to be "misinformed" written as it was by an RBC officer, who certainly knows better than to have "persuaded" him make such a false claim.
3. We have the Environment Agency's complete failure to provide any evidence of the full and proper mandatory IPC consultation procedure which confirms the RBC files : that no proper IPC procedure was carried out.
4. We have RBC's continued "memory loss" by the officer in charge of the Environmental health Office who was responsible for the failure of the IPC consultation in Rugby, and for the failure of the subsequent IPPC consultation in Rugby.
* The IPC consultation never happened at all - simply no councillors, residents, or public health authorities were consulted, as the mandatory consultation was bypassed by the EA and RBC "working better together".
* The IPPC consultation was passed off by officers as a "Tyre Burning Consultation" and the public, and other organisations and health authorities were mislead by the EA and RBC, and the Cement Company, which only gave out information on "tyre burning". The EA had promised to inform the local Parish Councils but these were not even informed of the IPPC application.
We will update you further when more information is received, as under the Freedom of Information Act the relevant authorities have to answer for what they have done.
We have lived in Rugby 20 years, and we were only ever told a minimal amount, and even that was untrue. Rugby Cement said that the new plant would be a bit bigger and that all the clouds of dust would end, and we would no longer need to clean our cars with vinegar. They sent out pamphlets to a few houses, and asked us to write to them personally if we had any questions or complaints about the planning application. They just said that we could not object as there was a cement plant there before our houses. But can we replace our modest terraced home with a skyscraper, becuase there has always been a house here? Try that and the Council will soon have it bulldozed.
We went to see a little toy-sized model of the cement works, but they did not even build the one that was on the plans and that they showed to everybody. And still we do clean our cars with vinegar, and some cars in New Bilton have even been re-sprayed. Perhaps we need a steam-clean for our lungs?
The words lying come to mind, and cheating, and fraud. What were the Rugby Councillors doing, and the office workers? Now we read it is to be a hazardous waste
co-incinerator that can burn everything. Might as well use it as a crematorium as well, as they put dead cows in the cement plants up north, and Rugby seems to have a lot of deaths according to the local rag.
You will never get to the bottom of it, as they all lie and protect their backs. They are just bullies, or industrial thugs and vandals more like.
Disgusted, and leaving.
RBC EHO deny all knowledge of the consultation. They have lost their memory, and have also lost all the Minutes. Lucky for us we have "found" the Minutes. Can they find their memory? Are all the follwoing suffering from collecrtive amnesia? Names of those involved in 1999 New Rugby Works Liaison Committee:
Cllr Ray Kirby RBC (Labour)
Karen Stone RBC EHO director
Cllr John Wells RBC (Labour)
Cllr Ish Mistry RBC (Labour)
Rev Graham Hardwick - New Bilton
Noreen New (Agenda 21)
Mark Hammon (Agenda 21)
Mick New (Agenda 21)
Cllr Martin Eversfield RBC (Labour)
Cllr Tom While (Labour WCC)
Tom Longstaff (Agenda 21)
Andy King (Labour MP at that time)
Blair came into power in 1997. The EA was run by the Labour government, and the Board of the EA, and some time vice chair/chair was also (by pure chance?) the one and the same Chris Hampson RMC Chair Man.
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