Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cement dust IS an issue... Not only tyre burning...

Cement works drops thick, gritty, sticky, smearing, dust...
(Rugby Observer Thur 2 March)

"I would like to bring your attention to Rugby Cement and the fallout of a thick dust over the weekend. It covered cars and property with a thick layer of dust in Wilson Close.

Trying to remove it has been very difficult as using a wet cloth turns the dust to a sticky glue-like substance leaving a film on the windscreen and gritty smears on the paintwork.

A representative of Rugby Cement came to take a sample of the dust for analysis: we await the outcome. Something MUST be done. The Council worry about burning tyres, but what about the pollution we are breathing in."

Pam Turbert
Wilson Close


Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually know what is in the dust?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually know what is in the dust?