Shades of grey with just a dash of orange?
In June 1997 yet even MORE "Further Changes to Approved Scheme of Rugby Works Upgrade" we learn that the senior planners main concerns were not: air quality; pollution; toxic plume; 1,000 heavy lorries each day; loss of amenity; intensification of use of the site; environmental impact; health impact; impact on roads and property: it was.... Wait for it......
The COLOUR scheme!
Reading through the "Schedule of Changes compared to the approved Drawings" we find:
* I suggest a stainless steel finish for the chimney top.
* What about oyster grey for clinker silo?
* What in lieu of mushroom? Ooohh!
* Yes, I think so, and for the cement mills shall we go for svelte grey?
* I like the slate grey myself., as opposed to plain grey.
* What do you say to using light, dark and orange cladding colours more positively?
* Yes I like that - as long as you remove the svelte grey enclosure to the stairs.
* Note: Some variation of colour may have occurred between sets of reproductions due to inconsistency of this process. Original samples should be consulted for TRUE COLOUR of proposed cladding.
Choruses of: Mmm! That's nice. Ooohh I like that. Lovely! Good riddance to the mushroom... Tee heee... The mention of mushroom makes me giggle... Are Rugby people really that daft that we can get away with this "mushroom technique", and build a 2 million tonne cement plant without them even noticing? Oh yes, with a colour scheme like this we will have it built before they see it, and in any case with a few nice plume-filled foggy days, say about three years worth, we should be finished and it will be too late. I tell you what, nip and get a few mushroom-coloured buckets of manure will you, and let's get started.
Perhaps we can have a "Hide the cement plant competition"...
What shade would you choose for the least impact... First prize to those who make it become "invisible".
It beggers belief.
Its blooming obvious - you need goose wing grey, with just a hint of bird-flu-grey to match the cement work's flue.
Talk about madness, and "One flue over the cuckoos' nest".. we got it all here in Rugby! I hear they are to burn BSE infected meat and bone meal as well. Might as well make it a full house, and throw in a few grey mad cows and a few dead grey geese for good measure.
What about stealth paint like they spray the militry aircraft with that fly over Rugby using the stack as a reference point?
What do you mean what aircraft?
If this was Stratford Upon Avon, Kenilworth, Warwick or Leamington Spa it would not have even got past the drawing board, but drop it on Rugby along with another barking idea - that has been shelved thankfully - namely the airport and we Rugby muppets will just have to put up with it. Is it possible that there is backhanders going on between WCC and the then Rugby Cement? Who knows but it strange that the original drawings did not reflect the actual design that we all got dumped with!
Clean up the whole area in one foul stroke!
Why doesn't RBC, as part of its re-generation strategy give the area its own unique identity and paint all the houses in New Bilton, Newbold, and Long Lawford an attractive cement dust colour, so then the clouds of cement dust will not show up? No need then for Rugby Cement to go on paying thousands of pounds in clean-up operations! And no one would notice the coatings of dust anymore. And I nearly forgot, all cars in Rugby must also be a matching concrete grey!
long suffering resident
We object most strongly to the competition to choose the colour scheme for the cement plant. We think it should be an open, transparent process with an equal opportunity for all. We object to Council officers and cement plant managers doing it behind closed doors!
This competition represents an offence in terms of the Disability Discrimination Act. Colour Blind persons are suffering from a disability.
This entirely unfair and discriminatory activity of a competition to colour the stack could well
be actionable. So, how about finding a colour blind resident of Rugby and turning them loose to seek some redress, including umpteen £ millions in punitive damages?
That should keep Cemex and RBC management teams busy for a couple of hours at least.
In the meantime what about a new Competition: think of one good reason why the Rugby Cement plant should not be pulled down?
A and R
oh dear.
more fuss about nothing.
villager, are we all dropping down dead with CJD?.....errr no.
Is BSE rife?.....errr no.
where is the epidemic then?
Hint: don't believe all that you read, for it may be hype. or global warming. or the new ice age. or hole in the ozone layer. or Dixoins and Furans. or meteors. or sun spots. or the sky falling down to crush us all. or floods, or war.
we're all going to hell you know.
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