"The old wet process cement works at Rugby manufactured the following tonnes of cement (not clinker) each year:
1990 278,320 tonnes
1991 194,346
1992 229,702
1993 264,488
1994 390,889
1995 315,739
1996 328,821
1997 375,532
1998 382,898
And that is consistent with a maximum capacity around 400,000 tonnes before the rebuilding of the plant. Therefore 1.25 million tonnes would accurately be described as a trebling of capacity."
They seem to think that this somehow justifies why the Planning Application in 1996, and planning permission granted, was for 1,250,000 tonnes. So how come now it is "suddenly as if by magic" able to manufacture 2,000,000 tonnes!!?
Actually when the planning application was submitted in 1995, the most up to date figures they could have had for the actual production was from 1990-1994. This made an annual average of 231,000 tonnes. So the production
at Rugby has not merely "trebled" as claimed by WCC it has actually increased nearer ten fold!
And during these years the railway was also being used. No wonder Rugby residents are smothered in dust, plumes, and lorries! This could be the biggest SCAM of all time... The Agency said to us "we got away with it in Rugby because there was no intelligent opposition!". It is time Rugby residents turned on their officers and Councillors at both Rugby and Warwick and asked "What the hell have you lot been playing at?".

Environment Agency 4 September 1996 to WCC about the ever increassing size and capacity of the cement plant. (It doubled in size and capacity after the February 1996 planning permission. The officers had intended to "deal with this under the Director's Delegated Powers but since the overall changes amount (ONLY???)to an IMPROVEMENT in the VISUAL appearance of the proposed NEW SITE it was felt appropriate to bring the matter to the attention of the committee." How bizarre? Perhaps they did not like the colour scheme, or some such trivia?
"I am pleased to be able to inform you that there are no objections to these proposals from the Agency's point of view". This was the 'carefully considered' opinion of the Agency.
Rugby people deserve better.
How has this happened? Is it fraud, gross incompetence or actually wilfull? Can you supply the names of those responsible for this mess - Officers and Councillors? Do you have any Council Minutes and information give out to Rugby residents?
Shocked, but not surprised.
Rugby people deserve better.
How has this happened? Is it fraud, gross incompetence or actually wilfull? Can you supply the names of those responsible for this cockup - Officers and Councillors? Do you have any record of the council meetings and information given out to Rugby residents?
Shocked, but not surprised.
Are these figures real? How was this allowed to happen?
I feel like i have just woken up from a decent dream where I thought everything was ok only to find myself in a nightmare.
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