Lepers would have been made more welcome!
It's even more clear than before as to who CONTROLS this whole town!
At Rugby Borough Council's full council meeting of 44 members we were standing just OUTSIDE the Council Chamber and we politely tried to give a leaflet to each Councillor from the Rugby residents.
One long-standing Councillor ("we can get this burning of London's waste through if we don't get hysterical" ) said he did not want the "rubbish" from the residents of Rugby; quite a few refused to take it - when we asked them just, at least, to read it; some made nasty snide comments - all without even looking at what we were saying; some took the leaflets and dumped them on the table without even looking at them; no-one actually spat in our faces - not quite anyway!
HOY POLLOI MUST NOT APPROACH THE COUNCILLORS Craig Humphrey (Conservative Leader of the Council) stood up at the beginning of the meeting and said, as he held aloft one specimen of the obviously "highly contaminated radio-active puke-inducing leaflet from Rugby peasants", looked almost like being sick himself, his face the colour of the green paper we had had the audacity to hand to our elected Councillors that :
" I object to THESE being thrust into our hands on the way in - I object to it as we come into the Chamber. We don't mind the public coming into the Chamber, but they must not give out leaflets."
(please note we did not give them out inside the Chamber).
Four Councillors,well-known for being "the peoples' councillors", and for really caring for and working hard for Rugby people; who are unperturbed by the Party Whips and Mafia that operate in RBC; signed them and gave them back.
Ron Ravenhall ; Terry Deery; Neil Sandison and Noreen New
(Some others said they would read it and get back to us)
The PETITION against the cement plant becoming a CO-INCINERATOR stood in 2002 at about 8,000 signatures (increased from the one handed to 10 Downing Street in 2001) which is probably about as many people who actually voted in these Councillors in any case. Some of those, who do not wish to deal with Rugby peasants, got in with only about 300 votes - so it will be easy to get rid of them!
At least we handed our leaflets (unread, and described as RUBBISH by some) to the Councillors, WHOSE WAGES WE PAY on the steps of a Public building FOR WHICH WE PAY!
At Election time they put their "rubbish" in our PRIVATE letter boxes!We have no say in that!
Perhaps we can do them for littering, or for delivering unsolicited junk mail?

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