Yet again!

It was revealed in the Warwickshire Telegraph and Rugby Times this week that there is a :
Rugby and Warwickshire Council tax payers could be footing a £2 million bill because of the delays over Rugby's planned "Relief Road" that is specially designed to assist Rugby Cement with its increased use of the cement works, its waste burning activities in the co-incinerator, and the development of its industrial site, the Malpas on Parkfield road.
"Delays getting the scheme approved by the government meant two of the four time-sensitive deals (section 106 agreements) have now expired.
Any shortfall in the total contributions from the Dept of Transport and the remaining developers will have to be MADE UP BY THE COUNCIL."
"It's not a total disaster, but some money will be lost. At risk is £2 million."
MP JEREMY WRIGHT : branded the situation "disgraceful" "It is a waste of taxpayers money and it is not acceptable. It is quite unreasonable that the government should make them foot the bill.
It was Rugby Cement who "requested" Mr Deegan of WCC to delay the "issuing of the Legal Orders for the WRR for three months" in the WCC Cabinet meeting of 15th June 2000 - while RC considered the "opening of the railway to their clay quarry for 50 lorries a day".
"Legal Orders to be issued for the northern section only providing that by then Rugby Cement has given a firm undertaking in writing to the County Council that it will "promote" (whatever that means??) the re-opening of the disused railway line to Southam through the necessary statutory procedures, and PAY THE ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED IN CONSTRUCTION THE NORTHERN SECTION OF THE ROAD AS A FIRST PHASE!"
Then, as we all know, Rugby Cement came back and said they were willing to re-open the railway to Southam for their 50 clay lorries a day - as long as and only IF as a CONDITION the UK taxpayers paid for it!!! Otherwise it was a non-starter - as everyone knew all along. Dunchurch village had failed to stop the 50 lorries in their streets that SO worried them an their County Councillors!
Seven years on we have this mess! THANK YOU VERY MUCH MR DEEGAN :
"The implication of this delay is that the opening of the WRR will be put back by THREE MONTHS! There is LITTLE FINANCIAL RISK in the delay because the AGREEMENTS with the Developers have a TEN YEAR LIFE!" quote John Deegan 31st May 2000. Is WCC incompetent - or what? Don't ask!
MEANWHILE Rugby is polluted, congested, and intimidated, by the RUGBY CEMENT 800 to 1,000 LORRIES rumbling in our streets 365 days a year! Perhaps Rugby residents can have a whip round to pay for the road - or maybe the cement plant better close down instead?
And what are WCC doing about it? On 12th December 2006:
Gordon Collett (see previous post for piccy) proposed a motion and Heather Timms seconded it;
"That this Council views with great concern the lack of progress that has been made on the Rugby WRR. This project is VITAL to the people and businesses of Rugby and Warwickshire as a whole.
This Council commends the ongoing hard work of WCC officers in developing the RWRR, but also notes with CONCERN the cost implications of the delayed announcement of the secretary of State. This Council is disappointed that the delay of the Secretary of State announcement may result in a funding shortfall and hopes the government recognises this in any future settlement."
Motion carried unanimously by 33 councillors.
Why should we pay for this?
What are the 62 WCC and 48 RBC Councillors doing about this? Where does the blame lie?
The cost of the WRR in February 2000 was £11,000,000 total - now it's a black hole of £32 million!
Rugby Cement and WCC really messed this up between them - as any search of WCC web shows.
Rugby Cement want the ring road to bring in more giant juggernauts crammed full of household and commercial waste from London; and tyres; sewage sludge; meat and bone meal; ready stuffed turkeys; hospital waste; left over low grade explosives; chemical wastes; so let them pay for it - having stopped it dead in its rail-track!
Oh my god, i have never in my life read such one sided, truth bending, detail emitting and downright inaccurate rubbish. Your such a zealot that you actually harm your cause. Its hilarious!
Bring out your dead!
bring out your dead!
Tell me something why are dead turkeys so dangerous out of a processing plant and NOT out of our bins? Anyone can throw a bird in a bin and then it goes into the lovely CLIMAFUEL for processing in cement kilns. Or for example a wild bird can die in my graden and I can bin it - with or without bird flu.
What temperatures are being used to process the household and commercial waste into "fluff" to burn in cement kilns?
Does that comply with the EU Law an dteh WASTE INCINERATION DIRECTIVE as applicable at the RUGBY CO-INCINERATOR?
Worried from Blackpool - with lots of dead "bits" to dispose of.
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