If you attend the Rugby Cement Community Forum you can see for yourselves the falsehoods, deviousness, and lengths "they" will go to in order to avoid telling the TRUTH! They were actually overheard in the High Court blatently discussing how they manipulate the Forum, and control the Chairwoman, and all questions. Quarterly they have to "jump through the hoop" of two hours of this "public exposure" in order to "claim" that the public have been consulted. Some consultation! RBC Officers and Councillors conspire, collude and endeavour to ensure that anyone with any knowledge gets NO CHANCE to speak, or to ask any "killer questions". They fill up all the time with presentations, pontifications, self-congratulations, meaningless statistics, and whitewash, in fact any old rubbish in order to fritter away every minute, so they can say, as always, "Pity, No time for questions!"
They have even written a Code of Conduct that says "you must not aks searching questions, or repeat questions, even if you get no answer the first time, or even if the answer is a blatant lie. You must not hurt and upset Cemex and the Environment Agency by asking questions they do not like. You must not ask for the truth. You must not ask about pollution, exceedence of emission limits, the environment, health impacts, total burden, plant malfunctions, shoddy working practises, the 1,000 lorries a day, etc etc - in short NO MEANINGFUL QUESTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED!
Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy this public exhibition of meaninglessness, worthy of Pinter. The Public can air its grievances at the beginning of the meeting.
Can any one go and can you hear everything.
D. Botham.
Yes to both. It starts at 5.30 pm, and lasts two hours. The public can ask questions "of clarification", and it would be very good if you, and any concerned residents, came along to see how they duck and dive to avoid answering any straight questions with straight answers. They have been playing these games for years, but they are not very convincing. The meeting has been advertised in the Observer.
In particular we will be getting the results of the Environment Agency's survey of 500 hand-picked properties in which they ask if people are worried about the environment. I would not preume to pr-judge the results, BUT, it will be very interesting to see how they have "managed" the answers, and if they have "managed" to find 500 people with sawdust between their ears, and who go around with black bags on their heads?
I will post the Agenda on this site later.
Thank you.
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