Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Environmentally Friendly Cement Plant.

Environmental Improvements initiated - even before cement plant built.
Read on to learn how they dunnit.

(This item carries a health warning, and we are not responsible for its contents, and the impact it may have on you. Keep a large bucket close by.)

The Environment Agency hid all the documents, in order to circumvent the lawful public consultation process, writing CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DIVULGE on the information sent out.

Rugby Borough Council officers played their part in this concealment, even though they knew full well it was unlawful, that is they should do unless they are only tea-girls or cleaners stepping into the job?

29th June 1997 RBC write to the EA: Re staged application - stage 1 - for major reconstruction. (After an apparent sneaky private viewing of the Application)

"Thank you for the opportunity to SEE the application. If the document is a formal consultation with the Rugby Council it should be directed to Diane Colley, the Chief Executive. It would be useful if you could summarise the issues in that consultation where the application is "not entirely consistent with current standards" as you advised in our telephone conversation. I would welcome a meeting with you to discuss the application and will arrange with my secretary Debra Butler to contact you. Karen Stone"

Members of the New Rugby Liaison Committee were then hand picked for their experience in mushroom cultivation, and manure shovelling. For these reasons it consisted almost entirely of Agenda 21, and Labour party puppets. Oh and I nearly forgot one RBC officer, who unfortunately suffers from memory loss. And for good measure a vicar to pray for the people of Rugby, and to pray for funds for the New Bilton St Oswald's Church Community Hall.

21st July 1999 New Rugby Liaison meeting Minutes:

Stuart Elliot Works Manager (Chairman);
Dr Neil Davies EA;
Cllr Ray Kirby RBC (Labour);
Karen Stone RBC EHO;
Cllr John Wells RBC (Labour);
Cllr Ish Mistry RBC (Labour);
Rev Graham Hardwick New Bilton (Vice Chair);
Noreen New Agenda 21;
Mark Hammon Agenda 21;
Mick New Agenda 21;
Cllr Martin Eversfield RBC (Labour);
Cllr Tom While WCC (Labour);
Tom Longstaff Agenda 21;
Ian Smith Property manager Rugby Cement;
David Reed Environmental Co -coordinator Rugby Cement ;
Annelli Gilbert Environmental Coordinator Rugby Cement;
Kay Pollack PR Support (Rugby Cement);
Andy King MP (Labour);

Members of the New Committee were welcomed.
Purpose to provide a useful forum for communication and promote closer links with the local community. The Committee agreed that open and honest communication between all parties is essential in order that any queries or concerns can be answered in a timely and accurate manner.

Rugby Cement is currently producing a newsletter to be distributed to local residents.

Noreen New asked what fuel would be burnt in the kiln. Stuart Elliot works manager confirmed that the draft authorisation issued to the works by the EA allows only for the burning of coal and petcoke, although the kiln is capable of burning other materials. Noreen New then asked if there were any plans to burn SLF Secondary Liquid Fuels or other waste materials in the kiln in the future.

Neil Davies of the EA stated that the EA had received no application to do so. He added that the EA advocates the use of waste recovery dependent on there being no ADDITIONAL environmental impact. He also described the lengthy application process to gain such authorisation, which involves CONSULTATION with all interested parties leading to trial burning periods.

5. Regulatory considerations:

The EA have been involved in all planning stages and a Draft Authorisation has been granted.

The limits set on the emissions from the new plant will be significant lower than those imposed on the current works - in the view of the Agency this plant is the best "currently available" (in Rugby?) from an environmental standpoint.

Rugby Cement has a system in place for continuous monitoring of emissions throughout the plant - not just the stack. These records are audited on a regular basis by the EA. All limits on emissions are available on the Public register.

Rugby Cement and the EA have also put in place an Improvement Programme with the intention of initiating ongoing environmental improvements. Stuart Elliot commented that good environmental performance, quality and efficiency run hand in hand and therefore it is in everyone's interests that the plant is as ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY as it can be.

The Committee agreed that the numbers were adequate and there should be no need to invite further members.

Next meeting 13th October 1999.

(Rugby Cement having built a cement plant with no lawful planning permission, without any environmental impact assessment or public consultation, and with complicit WCC officers amending the plans over and over again with no discussion, and thus increasing the capacity massively, the EA then gives it an unlawful IPC permit - under the noses of the hand-picked committee members and a compliant RBC. When the cement plant is pulled down perhaps these people should pay the compensation out of their own pockets?)

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