On 21 January WCC officers finally "invented" some "reasons" that they attempted to "back-attribute to the Councillors" for 17 November Regulatory Committee Southam refusal of the Cemex 500,000 tpa waste plant application - in favour of DUMP IT IN RUGBY! Amazingly, for OVER 18 MONTHS planners had not managed to find even one tiny little reason to recommend refusal at either site - claiming BOTH applications were identical and equal and both should be passed!
SUDDENLY OUT OF THE BLUE appears: (1) the long-standing STRATFORD LOCAL PLAN : "SOUTHAM site is NOT suitable for waste and must be used for light and general industries"; (2) the Southam location is NOT "in a preferred location for waste management"; (3) the proposed facility does NOT accord with STRATFORD LOCAL PLAN and " would result in the development of a large building of adverse visual impact"; (4) " the proposal would introduce a significant number of HGVs in the area."
Officers advised : IGNORE Rugby's POOR air quality - AQMA for exceedence annual objective nitrogen dioxide and ignore health-damaging particulate and many daily exceedences of PM10 Objective. Top up to the maximum with pollutants - and rely on that that "great protector" of the Environment to hopefully safeguard Rugby's air. Yes! we are to be protected by none other than the ENVIRONMENT AGENCY that has, by stealth and concealment, permitted massive increases year on year of TOXIC POLLUTANTS in Rugby. No wonder the EA carried out no Environmental Impact Assessment, and desperately hid the DISPERSION MODELS (H1 assessment) and hid the Agency's AQMAU reports (Air quality assessments). The Rugby public would have been THRILLED if they had been told the truth:
"The AGENCY is permitting year-on-year increases in the toxic pollution, and we refuse to tell you how much and of what!!"
IN ABUSE OF PROCESS: No visits were arranged or permitted, (even FROG ISLAND refused to have the councillors on site as presumably did all the (6?) Cemex waste plant RDF producers) so councillors could not get any idea (sniff!) of what was being proposed. WCC planners, either in total ignorance of their own local plans (unbelievable) or deliberately, (equally unbelievable), ignored the Stratford Local Plan and recommended passing both Rugby and Southam to get round the REQUIREMENTS of the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DIRECTIVE, (to compare the two sites) and therefore conveniently ignored the BPEO; and the cost/benefit assessment; the sensitive lorry miles; the proximity principle; the effect on Rugby of all this and another permanent CEMEX PLUME all over the down-wind town; the AIR QUALITY IMPACTS.
They also chose to IGNORE the health effects of dumping it ON RUGBY on vulnerable receptors, in the areas of multiple deprivation, of SERIOUS HEALTH INEQUALITIES caused by several confounding factors, including, no doubt by the hundreds/thousands of tonnes of TOXIC POLLUTANTS emitted annually from Warwickshire County Council's illegal cement co-incinerator - that ALL TOO OBVIOUSLY is an unlawful construction - that never had any valid planning permission or any kind of environmental impact assessment - and of course no PUBLIC CONSULTATION! That's the way they do it!!
MEANWHILE THE TEN YEAR ROW GOES ON! over the unlawfully constructed and operated Rugby Cemex co-incinerator. The EA is mulling over whether to appeal the 15 January Supreme Court judgement (see LANDMARK CHAMBERS) in this crucial and most important test case concerning the prohibitive expense of court action for the public, and NGOs, and the total lack of access to any justice in PUBLIC INTEREST cases in the UK, in Judicial Reviews of poor, and unlawful, government decisions on Environmental Issues.
Warwicks CC granted (1996) an unlawful planning permission, without any public consultation, any EIA, and also subsequently repeatedly amended the grant - in secret. The EA granted (in secret) an unlawful 1999 IPC operating permit, also without EIA and public consultation, followed by another unlawful operating Permit (IPPC in 2003) to turn the unlawful cement plant into a co-incinerator, once again hiding the information about the environmental and air quality and health impact of what they had done.
JACKSON REVIEW: The UK government has so far failed to implement the AARHUS CONVENTION to which they
signed up to in 1998. You can read more about it from the COALITION FOR
ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. And also see LINK about what happens to any
private citizen who gets caught up in any Judicial Review proceedings and who tries to get
any ACCESS TO JUSTICE for a polluted community.
the great British Tax payers ARE SUBSIDIZING INDUSTRIAL POLLUTERS, bailing out CEMEX
to the tune of BILLIONS through our forced subsidy of the RBS and HBOS
to which banks Cemex owes much of its $ billions of debt! Why are the
British tax payers doing this to ourselves and to the environment?
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