..screams the Sun, as deputy judge David Elvin QC decides that a transgender murderer and rapist should have her/his human rights protected, regardless of any public costs involved, so that he/she can wear skirts and make up in prison, and feel better about life. Great isn't it!
DUAL STANDARDS: And how much does David Elvin care about the human rights of Rugby residents, and our right to a good built environment, amenity, decent air quality and health? And to the human rights enshrined in the AARHUS CONVENTION, and the right to ACCESS TO JUSTICE for all EU citizens, without its being "prohibitively expensive"? Not a jot!
DAVID ELVIN , acting under instruction, was the ENVIRONMENT AGENCY'S barrister who "persuaded" the five Law Lords that Rugby residents were making too much fuss when they asked for a ruling against the Agency, for its part in protecting and permitting the unlawfully built and operated RUGBY CEMENT CO-INCINERATOR. Built and operated by STEALTH and COMPLICITY, by the consortium of Rugby Cement/RMC/Cemex, Warwickshire County Council, Rugby Borough Council, and worst of all by the Environment Agency - all without any public consultation, without any mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment, and by deception, and by concealment of the environmental and health impacts. Secret meetings, secret documents and "ignore, misinform, and mislead" was how the "big four" treated everyone, including even our Member of Parliament. The human rights of the thousands of vulnerable receptors who live in the areas of multiple deprivation and poor air quality round the Cemex co-incinerator count for nothing.
According to Mr Elvin NO public interest is served by any person acting altruistically to prevent 60,000 residents from being increasingly polluted by the increased quantity of, and increased toxicity of, the thousands of tonnes a day of particle laden acid gas poured out in our SMOKELESS ZONE. It seems that Rugby residents not only do not mind being polluted - but ask for more toxic pollution! Apparently, says Mr Elvin, no-one in Rugby, or elsewhere, except MRS P, has any concerns about the ongoing emissions at the Cemex co-incinerator, and so she must pay £100,000 for speaking up, as it is her own private vendetta, and of NO PUBLIC INTEREST! Human Rights? BLAH!
Well not exactly - but they do say that the good people of Rugby are reducing, recycling and reusing so that their black bin waste is only about 15,000 tonnes a year, which would only supply about a week's Refuse Derived Fuel for the Cemex co-incinerator. So we need another 50 small market towns to send us their waste - bring it on, from all corners of the world.
SAVE US £30,000 A DAY!
500,000 tonnes Waste wanted in Rugby for the processing and manufacture of Refuse Derived Fuel to be co-incinerated in the area of multiple deprivation and poor air quality in Rugby's western smokeless zone. Distance, BPEO, Proximity Principal, Pollution, and Human rights not an issue! Help the cement industry to save 500 tonnes coal - about £30,000 a day!! Commission paid!
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