Critics attack lack of details

Cemex are all tyred up!
Culture of Secrecy of great concern to Community!
HUGE CEMEX FINE SPARKS NEW WAVE OF RESIDENT FURY Hot off the press: straight after the shock of the "excessive and disproportionate £400,000 fine" of last week , Cemex now finds itself in even more trouble as the Tyre Burning Review Group dismiss the Cemex Public Consultation document, and state that the Environment Agency should permit no more tyre burning until Cemex provide the necessary evidence to demonstrate whether they have met the crucial Critical Success Factors.
The Rugby Times today reported that there was an "ongoing culture of secrecy" and Cemex had come in for more criticism after being accused of withholding information about its controversial tyre-burning trials including apparently even the date on which the trial started. According to the Agency it started on 11th October, but no data was made public until 21st October, which, surprise, surprise, neatly "left out completely" the incident of 14th October, about which no evidence is shown on the Public Register. No wonder public confidence is at an all time low.
Angry residents, used to dust as they are, are not convinced that similar accidents will not happen again, and they joined local councillors to call for a "change in attitude", and for all facts and figures to be made available to ensure a fair assessment of the likely impact on people's health in the long term. Long-term sufferer Mrs Judith Judge does not think the fine will stop all the dust, which she says worsens her asthma and causes "bad days" when the wind blows from the plant.
Cemex continue to apologise to the local community and assure them a wide range of measures have been put in place to ensure this type of incident does not happen again - i.e. they have shut the door - so we can all sleep better knowing that. Meanwhile Cemex are now quoted as saying that the Tyre Burning Consultation (on which we have spent many hours in discussion, and thousands of pounds of public money), is just a "draft" and a final report will be issued once all reaction had been received.
How's that!

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