How are we to be polluted next?
Not quite Dimbleby, but MP Jeremy Wright chairs, and the infamous Mrs P. tries to get the truth out of Cemex; the Agency; and RBC. You must not miss it!
APPLY NOW for ring side seats at last legal blood sport.
PQT Monday, July 10th 2006 for immediate release
Public Question Time Event on the Use of Alternative Fuels by Cemex
Following the recent consultations by Cemex regarding its alternative fuel strategy, Rugby Borough Council is holding a public meeting to help interested members of the public to understand some of the issues. The event will be held on 27th July between 7pm and 9pm at the Benn Hall, Newbold Road, and Rugby.
The purpose of the event is provide a balanced discussion on the specific issues involved in the use of alternative fuels, in order for those present to come to an informed personal opinion on the issues. Panellists will include Cemex, Rugby in Plume, Friends of the Earth, Environment Agency and Rugby Borough Council. Jeremy Wright M.P will moderate the event
As space is limited the Council is recommending that people apply for tickets before the event. For tickets contact Rugby Borough Council with your name and address, and specify the number of tickets required.
Please quote “Question Time Tickets” on all correspondence.
Rugby Borough Council can be contacted in variety of ways;
By post to: Rugby Borough Council, The Retreat, Newbold Road, Rugby, CV21 2LG.
By Phone to: 01788 533869 or e-mail: HEH.Reception@Rugby.gov.uk
In person to any Council reception point.
As there is likely to be a great deal of interest and as such some question will not be able to made on the night, so there is an opportunity for the public to register a question in advance. If doing this, please submit it with your name and address, this is not a requirement but may assist the panellists to provide more specific responses.
As many questions as possible will be taken on the night, but it is unlikely that every person will be able to speak, however, all questions submitted will be passed to Cemex as part of the consultation.
NOTE TO THE NEW EDITORS: For more information please contact, Sean Lawson, Head of Environmental Health on (01788) 533850.
NOTE: The Benn Hall capacity is limited to a maximum of 450 people so you are advised to apply in advance for tickets. Tickets will be limited, initially to 2 per household. A limited number of spaces together with unallocated/used tickets will be available for those who attend on the night on a first come basis.
Doors open from 6.30pm. Last admission by ticket 6.50pm.
Additional material attached for information
1 comment:
We attended several meetings during the previous consultation into tyre burning, but we do not intend to go again as it is all a FIX. There is no realistic meaningful dialogue and they hold all the Aces - and all up their sleeves at that!
Why do you bother to talk to these people? They are dishonest and just a waste of space, a waste of Public time and money. It would be better if no-one at all turned up to such a travesty of a consultation. They would make appropriate fodder for the kiln - any old garbage will do!
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